Angular for Enterprise-Ready Web Applications: Build and deliver production-grade and cloud-scale evergreen web apps with Angular 9 and beyond, 2nd Edition
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Product Description
Revised and updated second edition of the bestselling hands-on guide to building enterprise-ready web apps using an evergreen Angular platform
Key Features
Updated examples, projects, and a new overview of tools – including NgRX and Ivy, automated testing, and Firebase authentication
New chapter summarizing history of web frameworks and Angular version updates
All-new RESTful API implementation leveraging the MEAN stack with MongoDB, Express.js, Angular and Node.js
Book Description
This second edition of Angular for Enterprise-Ready Web Applications is updated with in-depth coverage of the evergreen Angular platform.
You'll start by mastering Angular programming fundamentals. Using the Kanban method and GitHub tools, you'll build great-looking apps with Angular Material and also leverage reactive programming patterns with RxJS, discover the flux pattern with NgRx, become familiar with automated testing, utilize continuous integration using CircleCI, and deploy your app to the cloud using Vercel Now and GCloud.
You will then learn how to design and develop line-of-business apps using router-first architecture with observable data anchors, demonstrated through oft-used recipes like master/detail views, and data tables with pagination and forms. Next, you'll discover robust authentication and authorization design demonstrated via integration with Firebase, API documentation using Swagger, and API implementation using the MEAN stack.
Finally, you will learn about DevOps using Docker, build a highly available cloud infrastructure on AWS, capture user behavior with Google Analytics, and perform load testing. By the end of the book, you'll be familiar with the entire gamut of modern web development and full-stack architecture, learning patterns and practices to be successful as an individual developer on the web or as a team in the enterprise.
What you will learn
Adopt a minimalist, value-first approach to delivering web apps
Master Angular development fundamentals, RxJS, CLI tools, GitHub, and Docker
Discover the flux pattern and NgRx
Implement a RESTful APIs using Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB
Create secure and efficient web apps for any cloud provider or your own servers
Deploy your app on highly available cloud infrastructure using DevOps, CircleCI, and AWS
Who this book is for
This book is for developers who want to confidently deliver high-quality and production-grade Angular apps from design to deployment. Developers that have prior experience in writing a RESTful APIs will also benefit, as well as developers who will gain greater awareness of how they fit into the larger picture of delivering a web application. Prior experience with RESTful APIs is desired.
Table of Contents
Introduction to Angular and Its Concepts
Setting Up Your Development Environment
Creating a Basic Angular App
Automated Testing, CI, and Release to Production
Delivering High-Quality UX with Material
Forms, Observables, and Subjects
Creating A Router-First Line-Of-Business App
Designing Authentication and Authorization
DevOps Using Docker
RESTful APIs and Full Stack Implementation
Recipes – Reusability, Routing, and Caching
Recipes – Master/Detail, Data Tables, and NgRx
Highly Available Cloud Infrastructure on AWS
Google Analytics and Advanced Cloud Ops
Appendix A - Debugging Angular
Appendix B - Angular Cheat Sheet
Bonus Chapter: Appendix C - Keeping Angular and Tools Evergreen
Bonus Chapter: Appendix D - Self-Assessment Answers
"I work with a lot of educators and participants in the Angular ecosystem, and this book is one of the most in-depth and up-to-date works on Angular I have seen. Doguhan uses the latest and greatest best practices around command line tooling like npx, with great Angular techniques like lazy loading. Doguhan's work brings together thousands of little best practices that he has learned in his time working with developers, and from his own experience into one book." --
Stephen Fluin, Developer Relations Lead on the Angular team at Google
"Angular for Enterprise-Ready Web Applications - Second Edition is one of the most comprehensive books I have ever come across on the subject. It takes the reader step-by-step through each stage of a new project and packs lots of great tips along the way. Very impressive!" --
Shai Reznik, Founder, and
"I strongly agree with the author that projects must keep their dependencies up-to-date to benefit from Angular Team's emphasis on long-term support and version compatibility. The book shows lots of realistic code examples, that are all runnable and available from the author's GitHub repositories. If you want to understand how to write solid Angular applications in 2020, then you must read this book." --
Dr. Gleb Bahmutov, PhD, VP of Engineering,
About the Author
Doguhan Uluca is a Technical Fellow for Excella in Washington, DC, and a Google Developers Expert in Angular and Web Technologies. He is a software development, agile, and cloud engineering expert. Doguhan is passionate about teaching technology and open-source software. He is a speaker, an author, including the best-selling Angular for Enterprise-Ready Web Applications, and an active contributor in the OSS community. Doguhan enjoys recording music, playing Go, building Lego, and mixology.
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